Fire Prevention at CCIU
July 19, 2022

Volunteer and Career staff payed a visit to the Chester County Intermediate Unit Pennock Bridge Road Campus to speak with the students from the Migrant Education Program. The kindergarten through high school students were thrilled to see Engine 22-1, Ambulance 22-2 and Brush 22 and hear all about the equipment carried on these units.

Captain Tyler Simpson was the hit of the day donning a complete set of turn out gear showing the students what he looks like and to not be afraid of firefighters. The students were shown the inside of the Ambulance and were provided answers to all of their questions.

While much of the WGFC Fire Prevention Program is conducted in October, the members and staff of the WGFC are always presenting safety messages throughout the year. If your group or organization would like WGFC to visit you can contact us through "Contact Us" tab on the homepage of the website or by email at

Units: Engine 22-1, Brush 22, Ambulance 22-2