WGFC Records Busiest Year in its History
January 6, 2025

2024 was the busiest year in the history of the West Grove Fire Company for both fire and EMS responses.

In 2024, there were 864 fire responses, including 23 working fires, 93 box alarms, and five extrications (rescue at accidents involving entrapment). That volume is a substantial increase of 2023 which had 728 responses.

On the EMS side, WGFC first responders were dispatched to 3,663 emergencies, a 12.7% increase over 2023. This increase in volume was also a challenge without a local hospital, which means lengthy transports to alternative hospitals keeping staff and ambulances out of district and not available for other calls. Interestingly, the increase in EMS emergency volume is not an isolated occurrence -- WGFC EMS volume is up 63 percent over the past ten years.

"While no single factor drove the increased statistics, the department - staffed by a mix of both volunteers and career staff -- saw quite an overall increase in the volume of emergency responses and we are very proud of our service to this community," said Fire Chief Eric Felker.