Crews from across southern Chester County were called to assist Longwood Fire Company for a working house fire on Saturday afternoon. This was the first of two house fires that were dispatched for West Grove in a short span of ten minutes.
The first call was for a house fire on Sills Mill Road in Kennett Township at 12:21pm. For that call, WGFC was requested for a RIT response -- rapid intervention team. Assisting Longwood in the initial dispatch were Kennett, Avondale, Po-Mar-Lin (Unionville) and West Grove Fire Companies. With calls coming in indicating a house involved in fire, a Tanker Task Force was also requested -- which added water Tankers from several fire companies including West Grove.
Initially responding units found a house well involved in fire. West Grove responded with Ladder 22 and Rescue 22 for the RIT assignment, and then Tanker 22. During the response, it was learned that a second house fire was coming into the 911 Center in West Chester in New London Township in West Grove's district -- Rescue 22 and Tanker 22 diverted to that call (see coverage of that house fire here: ).
Ladder 22 proceeded to the scene and served as the RIT unit -- standing by in case firefighters needed assistance or rescue. The crew also assisted on the fireground, including at the command post.
That incident lasted several hours, with the house suffering significant damage. Ladder 22 returned at approximately 4:30pm. |