As this winter continues to produce snowfall, and a forecast for 3-5 inches is on top for Sunday, here are a few important things you can do to be ready for an emergency in your neighborhood:
-- HELP US FIND YOU: We can't find your house if you have an EMS or fire emergency if your house number is obscured by snow or ice. If your house number is on your mailbox, make sure it is clear of snow. Especially at night, finding the right house may make the difference in how fast we can respond (BTW, this applies in good weather too -- big numbers, in a lighted area, assures a fast response...and if your house is back from the road, post a house number with reflective numbers in sight of the road).
-- CLEAR THOSE FIRE HYDRANTS: If your neighborhood has fire hydrants, clear snow away from them, and help yourself and your neighbors. If there is a fire, those hydrants are needed in a hurry, and are often buried by snow plows. Take a few minutes and clear around them and help us save lives.
-- BE CAREFUL WITH GENERATORS: With high winds and wet snow, this storm can be one where there is loss of power. Too often homeowners will place a generator in a garage, or near the house. Exhaust from generators can seep into a home and kill. NEVER run a portable generator inside your home or garage. For safety tips, see this video:
Be careful out there! |