This past Monday evening 36 active WGFC members refreshed their skills with the companies Self Contained Breathing Apparatus ( SCBA). SCBA is a critical piece of equipment which permits first responders to operate in hazardous atmospheres. Basic skills such as donning the equipment, emergency operations, cleaning and maintenance was covered by the Captains and Lieutenants. The group was broken down into 3 small groups; Group - 1 Practiced prepping a firefighter in distress for removal while re-establishing the firefighters air supply. Group - 2 Covering basic donning of the SCBA with gloved hands. Group - 3 Included new members and Junior members getting a basic introduction to the equipment.
WGFC officers thank our members for their commitment to training and to be better in service to our communities.
Members reviewing the basic donning and operations of the SCBA.
New members and Junior members getting the fundamentals of the SCBA.
Members packaging a down firefighter.
Members packaging a down firefighter while extending the air supply with a RIT pack.